The city of Piraju is the route of Birds
The tourist resort of Piraju, about 320 kilometers from the State Capital, it arouses interest of large numbers of bird-watchers. Endowed with important water resources and lots of green, the municipality received the Green Seal and was recently included in the roadmap of the Quatro Rodas magazine for this type of tourism. With 367 already cataloged, occupies the 84th place among Brazilian municipalities and 15° place among the paulistas, ranked WikiAves, an interactive content site, directed to lovers of this hobby.
Piraju has 48 million square meters of preserved Atlantic Forest, being the first municipality in the region and the quantity of this biome. Is part of extensive Environmental protection area (APA-Tejupá), houses the only natural stretch of the Paranapanema River (7 km) and the Horto Florestal State Government, a "Wildlife Refuge area" (almost 3 million square metres), "private reserve of Natural patrimony" (close to 4 million square feet), in addition to Permanent preservation area designated by city Ordinance, Golden Park. Only at this location have already been photographed 180 species of birds, plus many wild animals as tayra, coati, bugiu, anteater, ensures José Carlos Garcia that can guide the observers who are interested in visiting this city.
Highlights of Piraju
Highlights: the Ramphastos toco, Nyctibius griseus, Asio flammeus, Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana Eleoscytalopus indigoticus Psilorhamphus guttatus,, Laterallus leucopyrrhus Antilophia galeata,,, Nyctibius griseus, chopi Blackbird, Campylorhamphus falcularius, Dromococcyx pavoninus, Sarcoramphus papa, Indigo Grosbeak glaucocaerulea Indigo Grosbeak, brissonii, Myiornis auricularis, Amazona aestiva, Geotrygon montana, Cypseloides senex, Trogon surrucura, Drymophila ferruginea, are some of the species that can be found in the region with over 340 species catalogued.
Local infrastructure: good. Tourist town, with good options for hotels and guesthouses with affordable prices and possibility to hire Spanish English translator.
Photographic opportunities: very good. A lot of preserved cerrado area where it is possible to observe the Tyrannidae, Tinamidae, Ovenbirds, Puffbirds like maria-rust, noisy, luggage rack, eleania, cicada-of-coconut tree, thrush-blacksmith. If you are lucky can suddenly find the way the giant anteater, the coati, tayra, jagyatirica, Wied's marmoset, squirrel or the nine-banded Armadillo, sign of forest preserved.
Where shooting: In Golden Park one can find easily the tico-tico-Yellow-billed, the fulvous Shrike-Tanager, chili red, the black, the pavonine cuckoo and the tawny-browed owl (nighttime), Canary-do-campo.. There is an environmental reserve known as "Horto Florestal", that at certain times it is possible to observe the soldier boy, snapper, Potoo, tuju... A lot of open area also, swamps, pastureland, where they see the OWL-of-bathed afternoon sifting or even landed, the police-southern English, the Plumbeous kite, the quail-yellow, yellowish Pipit, streamer-tailed Tyrant, Scissor-black-capped donacobius...
Other areas: Fazenda Santa Lucia (Atlantic forest) Quarry Road (Cerrado), hopper Road (dams and mata Atlântica), Bairro Monte Alegre (cerrado), Neighborhood of Pereira (cerrado), Bahia of Judas (Dam), farm Piraju (dam and cerrado)
APA Tejupa: is an area of Environmental Protection located in part of the Basaltic Paraná basin. Features a rugged relief towards the Peripheral Depression fronts of cuesta – and a gently rolling relief on the obverse of the cuesta, which will lose altitude in the gutter sense of the Paraná River. It also has numerous hills testimonies, as well as the escarpment, were carved by differential erosion between the sandstone and basalt, the local geological bedrock layers. It has an area of 158,830 ha, containing part of the territories of 10 municipalities starting in Piraju, Timburí, Sarutaiá, Tejupá, Affluence, Taguaí, Trieste, Barão de Antonina, Coronel Macedo, Brazil. Belongs to the UGRHI 14 (Alto Paranapanema). This perimeter is located in the region of Serra da Fartura, in the range of Basaltic between Peripheral depression and the Bandra. Is wrapped by the Green rivers, Taquari and Paranapanema with greater presence and his two dams, the Jurumirim and the Xavante, in your portion paulista.
These elements together form a scenic set expressive with tourist potential of great importance for the region.
Upriver of chalana: depending on the availability of time visitors (at least 10) can make a boat trip, where they can shoot various species which inhabit the margins of the reservoir as Kingfisher, kite, Hawk chicken-d ' agua-blue, Wattled jacana, coleiro-do-brejo, black-capped donacobius, curutiê, Limpkin, Ibis Ibis, Heron Heron, Great Egret, Black-crowned night heron, Striated Heron, and can still be lucky enough to shoot some animals and reptiles such as the capybara, coati, Anaconda, Otter etc. (this tour must be scheduled in advance).
How to reach: leaving São Paulo Castelo Branco Highway follows until access to Avaré... Passing by Avaré right across to the Rodovia Raposo Tavares. Entering the Raposo Tavares follows approximately 40 miles to the entrance of Piraju.